Of these 140 projects, about half of them have a special offering for children and young people. The goal is to “strengthen the interest of children and young people in their homeland.” Esch2022 recognizes the importance of children understanding their culture at a young age.
Delphine Harmant, the Project Manager for Programs for the young public at Esch2022 says “We don’t see children and young people as an isolated target group, but rather integrate into others. Culture connects the generations.”
These projects will allow children to get to know history, express themselves in creative and artistic ways and understand their relationship with other communities and countries.
One project with the SCRIPT of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and the Center for Political Education, “Graphic Novel”, will help children understand the history of their homeland. A project with “The Theatre national de Strasbourg” will work with children and cultural inclusion. There will also be several multilingual course offerings for children which will start in April 2022.
These are just a few examples of the amazing opportunities that Esch2022 will offer! To stay up-to-date on the Esch2022 programme and how you can get involved, visit their website!