Hypsotherapy Katja Kümpel


Hi, I am Katja, I am from Germany, and started my business as a hypnocoach and sophrologist and a soon to be human design coach 🙂

I am currently working as a hypnotherapist and sophrologue, I have my office in Esch where I currently have my clients in 1-1 sessions. For this year, I will extend my business to offer group sessions in Esch and offer my services to companies.

My services cover:

  • Stress/Emotion management
  • Improving Self esteem & Confidence
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Preventing burn out or reducing its negative effects
  • Performance & motivation
  • Improving the quality of sleep
  • Pain management

Phone number: +352 691 838 309

Email: katja.kumpel@gmail.com

Instagram: Follow here: @hypsotherapy.katjakuempel

LinkedIn: Katja Kümpel